Обзор Презентация
I Will Sing Jesus
Highlands Worship
I Will Sing Jesus - Highlands Worship

Em  C G

1 verse: 
        Em        C         G         Am
There's a Name of infinite worth
     Em        C              G         D/F#
In the heavens and on the earth
            Em        C         G         Am
There's no other power that saves
             Em        C              G
All my hope will rest in one Name

Em     C   G  D/F#         Em   C   G
I will sing Jesus              Jesus

2 verse:
In the shadow under Your wings
You're my refuge, You are my strength
I'm secure no longer ashamed
All my hope will rest in Your name

Em     C   G  D/F#         Em   C   G
I will sing Jesus              Jesus
         G/H   C
I will sing Jesus
The Name above all names

G     C G       C  Em    G/H   C

               G                      C              G                C
Just be still oh my soul I will wait on the Lord
              Em                  G/H       C
He has overcome I will sing Jesus
              G            C                             G                C
In the dark, in the depths You're my hope, You're my rest
            Em                             G/H    C
On this rock, I'll stand I will sing Jesus

Em     C   G  D/F#         Em   C   G
I will sing Jesus              Jesus
         G/H   C
I will sing Jesus
The Name above all names


551 просмотр 235 прослушиваний 17 скачиваний BPM: 156

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