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Even If I Tried
Highlands Worship
Even If I Tried - Highlands Worship

Lord, You know my restless heart
See me wandering through the dark
I hear You call even in my dreams
To waters still and pastures green

To You
I'm so grateful that I'm by Your side
It's true
I couldn't leave even if I tried

Lord, You know my every need
Every place my steps will lead
I set my mind on things above
Like mysteries of Your perfect love

To You
I'm so grateful that I'm by Your side
It's true
I couldn't leave even if I tried

You are patient
You are kind
You are faithful
To me

You are patient
You are kind
You are faithful
To me

It's true
I'm so grateful that I'm by Your side
It's true
I couldn't leave even if I tried

To You
I'm so grateful that I'm by Your side
It's true
I couldn't leave even if I tried
I couldn't leave even if I tried
I couldn't leave even if I tried

121 просмотр 240 прослушиваний 8 скачиваний

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