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Save the Day
Anthem Worship
Save the Day - Anthem Worship

1 Verse:
If I'm being honest I've been exhausted
I'm just tired of being told I'm not enough
If I'm being honest I've been just angry
When religion says I'll never measure up

I don't have to save the day
I don't have to make the way
When they say that I'm not worthy
You say I am enough

I don't have to give it all
I don't have to take the fall
You tell them who I am
And who I am is loved

And that is enough
That is enough
‘Cause I am loved
That is enough
That is enough

2 Verse:
We are worthy we are crafted beautiful
We are human You breathed and made us whole
No, we're not listening to the lies that tear us down
We are building a house where love is found

You say I am worthy, valued
Chosen by You
You say I am wanted, needed
You'll always pursue

You say I am priceless, precious
Made perfect in You
You say I have freedom  acceptance
There's nothing I can do


12 просмотров 87 прослушиваний 2 скачивания

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