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Response Song
Anthem Worship
Response Song - Anthem Worship

1 Verse:
We've seen Your goodness
We've heard Your words
We've known Your kindness
We've felt Your stir
We've seen You working, leading our way
Seen Your hand moving, guiding our day

We respond to who You are
We receive with open hearts
So send us out, to bring heaven to the darkness
We've been changed because of You
By Your Spirit you've made us new
Now send us out to bring heaven to the darkness

2 Verse:
You told the blind man "rise up and see"
You tell the hopeless "find hope in Me"
You free your people, break every chain
You fight for justice, heal those in pain

We respond to who You are
We receive with open hearts
So send us out, to bring heaven to the darkness
We've been changed because of You
By Your Spirit you've made us new
Now send us out to bring heaven to the darkness

Bridge: x2
Open our hearts, fill us with fire
Spirit move now, give us desire
Teach us to love, we're ready to be made new
This is our prayer, we only have one
Your Kingdom here, Your will be done
Show us Your heart, we're ready for what You'll do

We respond to who You are
We receive with open hearts
So send us out, to bring heaven to the darkness
We've been changed because of You
By Your Spirit you've made us new
Now send us out to bring heaven to the darkness


10 просмотров 41 прослушиваний 0 скачиваний

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