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Sing, o sing, the dear old story
Sing, o sing, the dear old story Неизвестен

1 Verse: F C Sing, o sing, the dear old story F C F Of our Savior’s matchless love; C Sing of Jesus and His glory F C F With the ransomed host above.
Chorus: C F Sing, o sing the love of Jesus - C F Sound His praises far and near; Bb F Sing the wondrous story over, C F ’Till the whole wide world shall hear!
2 Verse: Sing of love to you so precious, Tell, in song, how Jesus died; Let sweet music draw the millions To the dear Redeemer’s side.
3 Verse: Ye redeemed ones, sing the story! Sing it o’er and o’er again, Until every tribe and nation Join to sing the glad refrain.

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