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It Is Finished
Sovereign Grace Music
It Is Finished Sovereign Grace Music

You looked into the endless void
The wonder yet to be
And in the dark Your ageless voice
Spread out the galaxies  
A sea of stars before Your eyes
Your glory filled the newborn skies
And You said, “It is good”
And the earth bears witness  
It is finished.

You looked into the crucible 
That burned with agony 
You humbly chose the Father’s will
And climbed to Calvary
Your blood for all my sin, poured out
Your final breath that shook the ground
And You said, “It is done”
And Your scars bear witness
It is finished

I look into the holy place
And through the open veil
I see my risen King of Grace 
Who pleads my pardon still
My healing in Your sacrifice
My name within Your wounds inscribed 
And You say, “You are mine”
And Your love bears witness
It is finished

I’ll look into eternity
When sorrow's seas have dried
I’ll see the Lamb who died for me
In beauty glorified
With open arms You'll bring me home
To bow in worship at Your throne 
And You’ll say, "Come and rest"
As my heart bears witness 
It is finished

53 просмотра 124 прослушивания 3 скачивания

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