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When Christ Our Life Appears
Sovereign Grace Music
When Christ Our Life Appears - Sovereign Grace Music

A | A | E | F#m | D2 | D2 | A | A | E | F#m | D2 | D2

 A E
When Christ our life appears, our hope will be complete
F#m D2
Our longings finally rest as we fall at His feet
 A E
When Jesus comes to reign, restoring everything
 F#m7 D2
Our tears will turn to tides of praises to our King
 Hm7 A2/C# D2
We’re longing for that day when we’ll see

E F#m7 E/G# A E F#m7 D A E/G#
Christ our Savior, we’ll behold the glory of our King forever
E F#m7 E/G# A E F#m7 D
Christ our Savior, faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears

 A E
When Christ our life appears, the curse will be undone
 F#m D2
All wickedness will end as mercy overcomes
The Savior will renew what sin had torn apart
 F#m7 D2
His light will drive the shadows from our weary hearts
 Hm7 A2/C# D2
We’re longing for that day when we’ll see

F#m7 | F#m7 | E | Hm7 | D2 | D2
F#m7 | F#m7 E - Hm7 | D2 | D2 | E

E H F#/H
When Christ our life appears, these trials that weighed us down
E/H F#/H H/A#
Will fade and fall away as He receives our crowns
G#m7 F#/A#
And death will disappear, its rule and reign destroyed
 C#m7 H/D# H/E
Beneath the weight of glory and eternal joy
 C#m7 H/D# E
We’re longing for that day when we’ll see

F#m7 E/G# A E F#m7 D A E/G#
Christ our Savior, we’ll behold the glory of our King forever
E F#m7 E/G# A E F#m7 D
Christ our Savior, faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears


572 просмотра 74 прослушивания 12 скачиваний BPM: 75

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