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Tidal Wave (Live)
Citipointe Worship
Tidal Wave (Live) Citipointe Worship

Steadfast You've been by my side
In a thousand fights
Each one a story I'll tell a thousand times
Surely You're able, surely You're kind
Surely You're faithful all of my life
You lead me to waters still
Every time
Every time

All of my days
Everywhere I go, every night and day
Your goodness and your mercy find a way
Chasing after me like a tidal wave
That follows me
All of my days
All of my days

You walk me out of the places
Where shadows tread
Faithful to fill in the failures
My footprints left
Forever You're worthy, forever You're good
Forever You're working, like only You could
So all my response can be
Is thanks and praise
Thanks and praise

All of my days
Everywhere I go, every night and day
Your goodness and your mercy find a way
Chasing after me like a tidal wave
That follows me
All of my days
All of my days

Yesterday and today and tomorrow
No matter the valley or shadow
Wherever I am or where I go
Your goodness and mercy will follow

All of my days

Steadfast You've been by my side
In a thousand fights
Each one a story I'll tell a thousand times
A thousand times

All of my days
Everywhere I go, every night and day
Your goodness and your mercy find a way
Chasing after me like a tidal wave
That follows me
All of my days
All of my days
All of my days
All of my days
All of my days


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