Обзор Презентация
1000 Tongues
Vertical Worship
1000 Tongues Vertical Worship

G                                                                                   Em
We are a sea of voices, we are an ocean of your praise
   C                           D
Gathered under one name
G                                                                                     Em
We are a tide that's rising, and we cannot be contained
   C                        D
Gathered under one name

O for a thousand tongues to sing
                    Em                            D
The glories of our Lord God Almighty
O to sing the Savior's praise,
                                  Em                        D
The triumph of His grace, You are worthy
 C               D         G
You are worthy God

G                                                                                                  Em
We have found our anthem, at the cross where sin was slain
    C                          D
Gathered under one name
  G                                                                                          Em
Where every chain is broken, every sorrow swept away
   C                       D
Gathered under one name

G/H            C            G            D
    With All heaven sing,      and All earth below
G/H      C          Em       D
    One holy King,     One highest throne


3405 просмотров 17002 прослушивания 726 скачиваний BPM: 155

Перевод песни

Английский 1000 Tongues
Vertical Worship
Украинский Тисячі мов (Live)
Grace Church Chernivtsi Grace.cv

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