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Days Of Noah
Misty Edwards
Days Of Noah - Misty Edwards

KEY - D (original)

Hm - FOR THE WHOLE SONG (Em possible variation)

Time, time, is ticking by
And I can feel an explosion inside (all x2)

As in the days of Noah x2

There will be drinking, marrying, laughing,
As in the days of Noah
What a fool, they say
To build a boat on sand
What a fool, they say

It’s never rained before x3
As in the days of Noah
So it will be - in the coming of the Son of Man

And what a fool, they say - To fast and pray
And what a fool, they say
C’mon its been two thousand years
Do you really think that He’s coming?
C’mon let’s just get real

And remember this first
And many, many, many scoffers will come”…

And when the rain starts falling
Its too late, Its too late (all x2)

As in the days of Noah
Its never rained before x4

One day, two days, three days gone by
And time, time is ticking by
And I can feel an explosion inside!

People get ready - Jesus is coming

And many, many, many, many scoffers will come in that day - And they’ll say

It’s never rained before x4

Rain, rain, go away, hide me from the wrath of the Lamb!

And when the rain starts falling
Its too late, Its too late (all x2)


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