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Soul Cry
Misty Edwards
Soul Cry - Misty Edwards

Hm                         D             A                   Hm
As the deer pants for the water, my soul longs for You
            Hm                          D             A                        Hm
As the body dies without water, my soul dies without You

       Hm                   D                    A                  Hm
My soul cries, my soul cries, my soul cries for You

Hm                        D                             A                           Hm
   Take me to the place where You satisfy, take me to the river
Hm                D                                   A                             Hm
   I’ll do anything, God; there is no price, take me to the river

Hm                        D                                      A                          Hm
All my tears You hold in a bottle; You will pour them out like rain
  Hm                                   D
Weeping endures for the night, for the night
        A                                       Hm
But joy comes in the morning, joy comes in the morning

Deep is calling out to deep is calling out to deep

Yesterday’s depth is feeling really shallow; I’ve gotta go deeper, deeper, deeper still
                       Hm                          D                    A                             Hm
And all Your waves and all Your billows crash over me, pulling me deep, deep, deeper
           Hm                                                        D
From glory to glory, from strength to strength, from depth to depth
A                                       Hm
I want to fellowship with You

                             Hm                                 D
You’re not so far away, it’s not too mysterious
                                                 A                                               Hm
You’re living on the inside of me, Your Spirit on the inside of me

   Spring up, O well; spring up, O well; spring up, O well, within me


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Комментарии к песне

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Альбомы исполнителя

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2007 альбом
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