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Where will you spend eternity?
Altar of Praise Chorale
Where will you spend eternity? - Altar of Praise Chorale

1 verse:
Where will you spend eternity?
This question comes to you and me!
Tell me, what shall your answer be?
Where will you spend eternity?
Eternity! Eternity!
Where will you spend eternity?

2 verse:
Many are choosing Christ today,
Turning from all their sins away;
Heav’n, shall their happy portion be?
Where will you spend eternity?
Eternity! Eternity!
Where will you spend eternity?

3* verse:
Leaving the strait and narrow way,
Going the downward road today,
Sad will their final ending be,    
Lost thro' a long eternity!
Eternity! Eternity!
Lost thro' a long eternity!

4 verse:
Repent, believe, this very hour,
Trust in the Savior's grace and pow'r.
Then will your joyous answer be,
Saved thro' a long eternity!
Eternity! Eternity!
Saved thro' a long eternity!


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Перевод песни

Русский Где будешь вечность проводить
Иван Степанович Проханов Песнь Возрождения
Украинский Де будеш ти у вічності?
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