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Sing to the Lord of harvest
Altar of Praise Chorale
Sing to the Lord of harvest Altar of Praise Chorale

1 verse: Sing to the Lord of harvest, Sing songs of love and praise; With joyful hearts and voices Your alleluias raise! By Him the rolling seasons In fruitful order move; Sing to the Lord of harvest A joyous song of love!
2 verse: God makes the clouds rain goodness, The deserts bloom and spring, The hills leap up in gladness, The valleys laugh and sing. God fills them with his fullness, All things with large increase; He crowns the year with blessing, With plenty and with peace!
3 verse: Bring to this sacred altar The gifts His goodness gave, The golden sheaves of harvest, The souls Christ died to save. Your hearts lay down before Him When at His feet you fall, And with your lives adore Him Who gave His life for all!

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Украинский Творцю багатого врожаю
Світлана Юнчик Пісні хвали та поклоніння

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