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Sovereign Grace Music
Sing Sovereign Grace Music

1 Verse:
C Csus
Did you draw a breath as the dawn awoke
 C G
And does your heart still beat?
 C/E F
Is the mighty Word of the living God
 C/E F G C | Csus | C | Csus
Upholding you? Then sing, O sing

2 Verse:
 C Csus
Has the Father’s love filled your longing heart
 C G
With grace for every need?
 C/E F
Come and lay your burdens at Jesus’ feet
 C/E F G C Csus | C Cmaj7
And find new strength to sing, O sing

F Am7 G F Am7 G
Morning and evening, everything breathing must sing, O sing!
F Am7 G F Am7 G C | Csus | C | Csus
All of creation rise up and praise the King of kings and sing!

3 Verse:
 C Csus C G
Has the Son of God died to take away your sin and set you free?
 C/E F
Has the Conqueror trampled over death?
 C/E F G C Csus | C Cmaj7 (to Chorus)
Is Christ enthroned? Then sing, O sing!

Am7 | G/H | C C/E | F | Am7 | G/H | C C/E | F | F

4 Verse:
 C Csus C G/C
On the final day when the Lord on High returns in majesty
 C/E F
We will bow in wonder before the Lamb
 C/E F G Am C/E F G C
And evermore the saints will sing! Yes, evermore the saints will sing


159 просмотров 52 прослушивания 6 скачиваний

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