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His Name is Jesus
Jeremy Riddle
His Name is Jesus Jeremy Riddle
1 Verse: C#mE
There's only One strong enough to save F#m
There's only One who overcame the grave A
There's only One whose worthy of all praise
2 Verse: In His hands, the keys of death and hell And in His name, a power that can heal And by His blood, our sins are washed awayChorus: C#mHis name is Jesus... E
His name is Jesus... F#m
His name is Wonderful A
Counselor, Almighty God!
3 Verse: Oh nations kneel! And glorify the Lord Let all the earth Tremble for He comes! And He will judge the living and the dead4 Verse: The Son of Man coming on the clouds With trumpet sound and every knee will bow And tongue confess, the Name above all names!
19132 просмотра
14314 прослушиваний
2020 скачиваний
BPM: 80
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