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We Crown You
Jeremy Riddle
We Crown You Jeremy Riddle

Intro: D //// F#m // E //
1 Verse: D F#m E To the One who wore a crown of thorns D F#m E To the One who took the lash and scourge D F#m E For the hands and feet that were pierced by nails D F#m E For the sacrifice that has torn the veil
Chorus: D We crown You! We fall face down and A We worship! We all cry out F#m “You are worthy God!” E “You are worthy, God!”
Instrumental: D //// F#m // E //
2 Verse: D F#m E To the One who gave his very life away D F#m E Who took upon Himself all our guilt and shame D F#m E Hanging on a cross for the world He loved D F#m E With His precious blood purchased men for God
Instrumental: D F#m D E
Bridge: D To the One who еndured All the shame of the cross F#m To the Lamb who was slain As atonement for us D To the Son who overcame All the power of death E We praise. D For the stripes for the wounds For the beating You bore F#m For the tears for the blood That was willingly poured D For the merciful, wonderful, majesty E Of Your love!

1991 просмотр 815 прослушиваний 185 скачиваний

Перевод песни

Русский Хвала! Вовеки слава!
Ксения Матвеева Jeremy Riddle
Украинский Хвала Тобі навіки
Даріна Пустовіт Resurrection Worship
Украинский Коронуємо Тебе
Марія Молокова Jeremy Riddle
Русский Мы венчаем Тебя
Иван Миронов Jeremy Riddle

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