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Lovesick (feat. Cindy Cruse Ratcliff) Warr Acres

1 verse: Spirit, I feel your touch and fall Deeper in love Gently you're tearing down my walls Beautiful Lord Your love burns like a raging fire The fiercest of all And I'll spend my life chasing my desire And I won't stop I won't stop 'Cause I'm lovesick I want You to know I'm lovesick I won't let you go
chorus: You're calling for me I'm reaching for you Our hearts collide And we are one Your love is a storm I'm caught in a rush Swept up in never ending love
2 verse: You say, "Come away, my beloved bride, Lift up your face. I see all your secret fears and flaws And I love you the same." 'Cause I'm lovesick I want You to know Yes, I'm lovesick I won't let you go
Bridge: I am yours You are mine 'Til the end of time I am yours You are mine 'Til the end of time I am yours You are mine 'Til the end of time

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