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Psalm 27
Warr Acres
Psalm 27 - Warr Acres

1 Verse:
On the trouble day
You will keep me safe
Hiding me with sacred arms
Sitting high above
You my solid rock
You are my hope

Should my enemies
Come surrounding me
I will shout in songs of joy
For if ev'r I fall
You will hear my call
You are my hope

Through the storms
Through the night
My salvation appears
For the Lord is my love
Tell me whom shall I fear

2 Verse:
Lord teach me your ways
Lead me in paths straight
Far from my oppressing foes
Now see your goodness
I am confident
You are my hope
You are my hope

3 Verse:
And I will wait on You
Till my life is through
Taking hardness, highs and lows
And may my soul stay strong
For it won't be long
You're my hope
You're my hope


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Русский Псалом 26
Warr Acres

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