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Sweetly Broken
Jeremy Riddle
Sweetly Broken Jeremy Riddle

Intro: H F# G#m E
1 Verse: H To the cross I look, F# to the cross I cling G#m Of it's suffering I do drink, E of it's work I do sing H For on it my Savior, F# both bruised and crushed G#m Showed that God is love E and God is just
Chorus: H At the cross You beckon me G#m You draw me gently to my knees, and I am F# Lost for words, so lost in love, I'm E H G#m F# E sweetly broken, wholly surrendered
2 Verse: H What a priceless gift, F# undeserved life G#m Have I been given E through Christ crucified H You've called me out of death, F# You've called me into life G#m And I was under Your wrath, E now through the cross I'm reconciled
Bridge: C#m E In awe of the cross I must confess C#m How wondrous Your redeeming love and E F# How great is Your faithfulness

963 просмотра BPM: 93

Перевод песни

Русский Сокрушен Твоей Любовью
Сергей Демченко Сергій Демченко
Русский Сокрушённый
Елена Махинина Больше Божьего
Украинский Розбитий любов'ю
Анатолій Бугров Jeremy Riddle
Украинский Я дивлюсь на хрест
Almaz Worship


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Альбомы исполнителя

Live In The Prayer Room
Jeremy Riddle
2022 альбом
Holy Ground (Live Around the World)
Jeremy Riddle
2020 альбом
Joy to the World
Jeremy Riddle
2018 альбом
Jeremy Riddle
2017 альбом
Jeremy Riddle
2011 альбом
The Now and Not Yet
Jeremy Riddle
2009 альбом

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