Orange Sound

Orange Sound

Об исполнителе

Yuriy Progonny is a beginner musician, saxophonist, a Christian of Pentecostal origin. Born on November 27, 2009 in town of Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine. He started playing the saxophone when he was 8 years old. From the birth he served the Lord, came to the Pavlograd church "Kovcheh Spasinnya"! Has many awards for performances in various all-Ukrainian and foreign competitions. He continues to do his work and wants to achieve more - " that the Word of the Lord may spread and be glorified..." (2 Thessalonians 3:1) through music!
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Популярные исполнители

Песнь Возрождения
Дарина Кочанжи
Hillsong Ukraine
Calvary Church Schenectady
Sharikov Family Band
Simon Khorolskiy
Марк Шульган
Эдуард Хивук
Слово Жизни Music
Скиния Worship
Богдан Моргунов
Purim music
Алексей Сергеев

Статистика пользователей

Онлайн всего: 393
Гостей: 376
Пользователей: 17