альбом 2000

Apostolic prayers 1

Dwayne Roberts

About Apostolic prayers 1

Apostolic Prayers is one of the best examples to date of the Harp & Bowl model of Intercessory Worship. With prayer leader Dwayne Roberts and a team of musicians from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, the album presents six Apostolic Prayers for your own intercessory hour, or to lead your prayer group in the experience of the House of Prayer. Prayer #1 - (Eph 1:16-19) Prayer for the Revelation of Jesus to the Church Prayer #2 - (Eph 3:14-21) Prayer for the church to grow in the love of God Prayer #3 - (Rom 15:5-7) Unity within the church for the purpose of worship Prayer #4 - (2 Thes 3:1-5) That the preaching of the word would be anointed Prayer #5 - (Acts 4:29-31) Release of signs and wonders which brings forth boldness in the church Prayer #6 - (1 Tim 2:8-9) A prayer movement that will touch all nations Prayer Leader: Dwayne Roberts Vocals: Dana Russell, Paula Bowers, Todd Ganovski, Sara Huff, Misty Edwards Keyboard: Luke Hendrickson Acoustic Guitar: Seth Parks Electric Guitar: Marcus Meier Bass Guitar: Markus Hendrickson Drums and percussion: John Hendrickson Violin: Ronda Adams Cello: Anna Brinkman
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Apostolic prayers 1
Dwayne Roberts
2000 альбом

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