single 2020

Worthy of it All

The Voice of One Calling

Треки альбома 1 песня

About Worthy of it All

New Single Out Now “Worthy of It All”, by David Brymer, performed by The Voice of One Calling in Hebrew and Arabic. Featuring Maha Haddad, Naamit Levarko, Suhail Obaid, and Matias Jelski. The video shows young Arab and Jewish believers worshipping together in the Succat Hallel house of prayer, overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. We pray this will be a testimony of the reconciliation, healing, unity and peace that only the blood of Jesus can bring to Jewish and Arab people in Israel and the Middle East.
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Альбомы исполнителя

You Are Great
The Voice of One Calling
2022 single
Worthy of it All
The Voice of One Calling
2020 single
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
The Voice of One Calling
2020 single

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