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Over and Over
Influence Music
Over and Over Influence Music

G  Am7  C2   C2   Em7   G/H    G

1 verse: G With every sun rising D4 In each starry night Am7 C2 Em7 D4 A glimpse of your mystery hidden in sight G Who could deny You D4 When You've made it plain Am7 C2 The heavens declare Your works Em7 D4 In endless refrain
Pre Chorus: C2 Em7 D4 We lift up our hands and we sing with the stars G/H C Em7 D4 We testify oh how great You are
Chorus: C2 G D4 Oh how we love to sing Your praises G/H C2 Over and over again Em7 D4 We lift Your name G/H Forever C2 G D4 How we love to sing Your praises G/H C2 Over and over again Em7 D4 We lift Your name
2 verse: G Eternal perfection D4 Am7 C2 In each miracle, surpassing the wonder of Em7 D4 What you've done before G You walked among us D4 That all men can see Am7 C2 You died and You rose again Em7 D4 So we could believe
Tag: G Over and over again Am7 C2 Forever D Em7 Over and over again G/H C2 Forever
Interlude: G Am7 C2 C2 D Em7 G/H C2 C2
Outro: G Am7 C2 D Then sings my soul Em7 G/H C2 How great You are G Am7 C2 D Then sings my soul Em7 G/H C2 How great You are G Am7 C2 D Then sings my soul Em7 G/H C2 How great You are G Am7 C2 D Then sings my soul Em7 G/H C2 G How great You are

746 просмотров 174 прослушивания 30 скачиваний BPM: 156

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