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Carry Me
Rita Springer
Carry Me - Rita Springer

I just want to sit at your feet and sing
I just want to sit at your feet and tell you
Everything that was lost
Everything that was lost is found
I just want to sit at your feet and say
What you did for me is no small thing
All that I have to give
All that I have to give is yours

1 verse:
You're the only one that calls something broken beautiful
You're the only one that calls something crippled healed
You're the only one that leaves ninety-nine to find one lost
And carry me on your shoulders home

I just want to sit at your feet and sing
I just want to sit at your feet and worship
For everything that you've done
Every way that you've come, thank you

2 verse:
You're the only one that calls something broken beautiful
You're the only one that calls something crippled healed
You're the only one that leaves ninety-nine to find one lost
And carry me on your shoulders home

There is nothing hidden from your sight
Nothing in the way can stop your rescue
I am always ever on your mind
In the end I'll look exactly like you

Thank you, thank you, God
Thank you, Jesus, thank you, God
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for seeing me, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus


490 просмотров 152 прослушивания 8 скачиваний BPM: 136

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