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Never Lost
Rita Springer
Never Lost Rita Springer

D   Hm7   Gmaj7   Gmaj7 

1 verse: D G2 He is my Faithful Father, calling me out of the dark Hm7 A G2 And I cannot whisper away what He said in the light D G2 He is my firm foundation, my anchor won't be moved Hm7 A G2 Storms may colide but my soul is on fire with His Word
Chorus: D G2 Wind, listen to the sound of power on my lips Hm7 A Jesus has broken the curse, He has never lost a battle D G2 Who are You great mountain that you should not bow low Dm7 A Jesus deafeated the darkness, He has never lost a battle
2 verse: D G2 He is the only healer, His love will never fail Hm7 A G2 All my belief dares to defeat every lie D G2 He is a strong, high, tower, fear will not find me there Hm7 A G2 'Cause I come alive with His promise inside of my heart
Interlude: Em7 D/F# Gmaj7 Gmaj7
Bridge: D Em7 D/F# G Christ Redeemer, we remember, He has won the war D Em7 D/F# G A D/F# A Jesus, Mighty Overcomer, our defender has conquered
Ending: Em7 D/F# Gmaj7 Gmaj7

482 просмотра 58 прослушиваний 5 скачиваний BPM: 113

Перевод песни

Английский Never Lost
Catherine Mullins

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