Обзор Презентация
How I Need You
Highlands Worship
How I Need You Highlands Worship

Ab       Bbsus        Eb/G
Oh, we need You, Jesus
Oh, we need You, God

1 verse:
Ab                           Bbsus
Every day in Your hands
                        Eb/G              Ab
You were there before time began
                                            Bbsus  Eb/G
Sovereign One, I rest in Your plan
Ab                           Bbsus
From the depths to the dawn
                              Eb/G              Ab
You are there, Your promise is strong
                                     Bbsus  Eb/G
I will trust with all that I am

Eb                       Cm
Jesus, Jesus, oh, how I need You
Ab                                           Fm
You stay the same, You are good in Your ways
Eb                       Cm
Jesus, Jesus, oh, how I need You
Ab                                           Fm
You are enough, all my trust is in You, Lord


2 verse:
You fashioned me, formed my heart
Searched my soul, and know every thought
Love so great, but never too far
Through the storm, You're the calm
Every war, You’ve already won
Life secure in Your loving arms

Ab       Eb/G  Bbsus     Eb/G 

Ab                           Eb/G
You are powerful, God above it all
Bbsus                       Eb/G
I believe in You, I believe in You
Ab                           Eb/G
You do miracles, the impossible
Bbsus                       Eb/G
I believe in You, I believe in You


677 просмотров 107 прослушиваний 29 скачиваний BPM: 158

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