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Hawk Nelson
Close Hawk Nelson

| D | Hm  G |

Verse: D Does anybody see you, does anybody feel your pain Hm G Does anybody know you, does anybody feel the same D Does anybody want you, is there a place you belong Hm G Does anybody love you, or maybe it's been so long
Pre chorus: A Hm G But I'm telling you that you are not alone
Chorus: D He is close closer than the beat of your heart Hm Closer than the beat of your heart G I promise you that he is right where you are D He is close closer than the fears you fight Hm Closer than the hurt you hide G Closer than the tears you're holding inside
Tag: D Hm G He is close oh He is close
2 verse: D So you are not abandoned, even on your darkest night Hm G You are not forsaken He will never leave your sight
Bridge: D Oh and He runs to the ones who are heavy-hearted, hearted Hm G Yeah, He runs to the ones who are heavy-hearted, hearted

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