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Behold, He comes!
Anna Snesar
Behold, He comes! Anna Snesar

Chorus: Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, My beloved swiftly runs. Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, Leaping o’er the hills, He runs.
1 Verse: Hear His voice upon the mountain, “Rise, my fair one, come away. Winter’s past, the rain is over, Songs of spring now fill the day.”
Chorus: Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, My beloved swiftly runs. Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, Leaping o’er the hills, He runs.
2 Verse: At the door, He softly whispers, “Open, dearest, hear My plea. Dove so pure within the shadows, Come, My love, and be with Me.”
Chorus: Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, My beloved swiftly runs. Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, Leaping o’er the hills, He runs.
3 Verse: majesty adorns His coming, Fairer than the brightest light. Like the cedars tall and steadfast, Clothed in glory, shining bright.
Chorus: Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, My beloved swiftly runs. Behold, He comes, behold, He comes, Leaping o’er the hills, He runs.

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