Обзор Презентация
Look At What The Lord Has Done David Leonard

He is the light of our salvation
He is the hope on which our future rests 
He is the rock that won’t be shaken
What we have seen, may we never forget

Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
For the world He came to save 
Freely gave His life away
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Cross to grave and rose again 
And we’re alive because He is 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done

Our God is stronger than our failures
His grace goes deeper than our sea of regrets 
Oh what a friend we have in Jesus
What we have seen, may we never forget

Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
For the world He came to save 
Freely gave His life away
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Cross to grave and rose again 
And we’re alive because He is 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done

Only He can do the 
Things that He has done 
He’s only ever good
And He’s only ever love
So we give all the praise to Jesus 
We give all the praise to Jesus
Only He can rescue
Only He can save
And every time He does
We can only be amazed
We give all the praise to Jesus

We give all the praise to Jesus

Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
For the world He came to save 
Freely gave His life away
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Cross to grave and rose again 
And we’re alive because He is 
Look at what the Lord has done 
Look at what the Lord has done

Look at what the Lord has done 
Yeah, Look at what the Lord has done

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