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The Humble Kind
Sidewalk Prophets
The Humble Kind Sidewalk Prophets

1 Verse: Pick a side pick a fight Throw a stone draw the lines Heroes villains black and white You’re always wrong I’m always right We just disagree to disagree
2 Verse: But where’s the place in between Where it’s ok to wash your feet Where no bridges need to burn Where I just listen and I learn That sounds like a place I’d like to be
Chorus: If there’s a Kingdom That should fall let it be mine If there’s heart That needs to die to self Maybe it’s my time If my life leaves a legacy behind Let it be the humble kind
3 Verse: Seems to me most folks think Being humble makes you weak Like you’ve lost the strength to stand You’re less a woman less a man You’re no use when pushing comes to shove
4 Verse: But the strongest ones I know Take the harder narrow road You may never know their names No awards or accolades But the world is better For the way they love
Chorus: If there’s a Kingdom That should fall let it be mine If there’s heart That needs to die to self Maybe it’s my time If my life leaves a legacy behind Let it be the humble kind
Bridge: Blessed are the humble With courage seldom seen Who never raise a fist But end up changing everything
Chorus: If there’s a Kingdom That should fall let it be mine If there’s heart That needs to die to self Maybe it’s my time If my life leaves a legacy behind
Tag: If my life leaves a legacy behind Let it be the humble kind
Outro: Let it be the humble kind

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