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More Than That
Sidewalk Prophets
More Than That Sidewalk Prophets

1 Verse: Barely through the door You come running down the hall Two years old Covered head to toe In mud and dirt and smiles You jump into my arms My shirt still has the stain It won’t always be like this So I really can’t complain
Pre Chorus 1: The good the bad the best of days The magic and the mess You make It doesn’t matter anyway I couldn’t love You more I couldn’t love You more
Chorus: Higher than the highest airplanes fly Farther than the hills Behind the house you climb Faster than a racecar could ever drive Brighter than the stars in the backyard sky Dream the biggest dreams you’ve ever had And know your father loves you Even more than that
2 Verse: I wish the world would stop And you’d always stay this age Running playing having fun I’d never turn the page There’s more than scrapes in life It’s hard the growing up Don’t ever let them make you think You’re anything but loved
Pre Chorus 2: We can’t repeat this day again So I will breathe this moment in
Chorus: Higher than the highest airplanes fly Farther than the hills Behind the house you climb Faster than a racecar could ever drive Brighter than the stars in the backyard sky Dream the biggest dreams you’ve ever had And know your father loves you Even more than that
Refrain: More than that Even more than that More than that
3 Verse: On the day that you were born The world could clearly see How right away My love for you was pure And wide and deep As I held you in my arms Oh I could not believe God gave us His only Son Cause He somehow loves you Even more than me
Chorus: Higher than the highest airplanes fly Farther than the hills Behind the house you climb Faster than a racecar could ever drive Brighter than the stars in the backyard sky Dream the biggest dreams you’ve ever had And know your father loves you Even more than that
Refrain: More than that Even more than that More than that Even more than that

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