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Psalm 6
Bible Music
Psalm 6 - Bible Music

1 Verse:
Lord, in Your mercy, don’t turn away,
In anger, don’t rebuke me, I pray.
My soul is weary, my heart feels weak,
To You I’m calling, it’s You I seek.

Hear my cry, O Lord, my King,
In the night, Your mercy bring.
Tears are falling, but You are near,
My hope remains, my God, I fear.

2 Verse:
Enemies rise, but I will not fall,
Your love sustains me, You answer my call.
You heal the broken, restore my soul,
In You I find my peace, my goal.

Hear my cry, O Lord, my King,
In the night, Your mercy bring.
Tears are falling, but You are near,
My hope remains, my God, I fear.

How long, O Lord, till You lift my pain?
Your steadfast love will forever remain.
You turn my mourning into a song,
With You, O Lord, I’ll always belong.

Hear my cry, O Lord, my King,
In the night, Your mercy bring.
You are my strength, my resting place,
Forever I’ll trust in Your grace.


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