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Always Only Jesus (Live)
Justin Tweito
Always Only Jesus (Live) - Justin Tweito

1 Verse:
Don’t wait a moment
This is the day
Come hear the good news
We can be saved
Only by grace
Only through faith
Always only Jesus

2 Verse:
Look to the Savior
And lay it all down
Turn from your sin
And trust in Him now
It’s here at the cross
His mercy is found
Always only Jesus

Lift your song
He alone deserves it
He is God
Worthy of our worship
Nothing else He’s enough
We are found within His love
Let our hearts say always only Jesus

3 Verse:
Come to the altar
And sit at His feet
Here in His presence
You’ll find all you need
You may be broken but He can redeem
Always only Jesus
Always only Jesus

Lift your song
He alone deserves it
He is God
Worthy of our worship
Nothing else He’s enough
We are found within His love
Let our hearts say always only Jesus

He’s the way
He’s the truth
He’s the life nobody but Jesus
He’s the way
He’s the truth
He’s the life

Lift your song
He alone deserves it
He is God
Worthy of our worship
Nothing else He’s enough
We are found within His love
Let our hearts say always only Jesus

There is nothing else
He’s enough
We are found within His love

Let our hearts say
Always only Jesus


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