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Rest On Us (Chapel Sessions) Housefires

Intro: F F4
1 Verse: F Like the Spirit was moving over the waters F4 Spirit, come move over us Dm Come rest on us Bb Come rest on us F Like the Spirit was moving over the waters F4 Spirit, come move over us Dm Come rest on us Bb Come rest on us
Chorus: F Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb I'm here and I know You will fill me F Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb I'm here and I know You will fill me F F4 We honor You, Holy Spirit
2 Verse: F And fire and wind, come and do it again Bb Open up the gates, let heaven on in Dm Come rest on us Bb Come rest on us F And fire and wind, come and do it again Bb Open up the gates, let heaven on in Dm Come rest on us Bb Come rest on us
Chorus: F And, Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb I'm here and I know You will fill me F Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb F I'm here and I know You will fill me
Interlude: F4 F Oh, we wait, we wait F4 F We honor You
Bridge: F Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want
Chorus: F And, Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb I'm here and I know You will fill me F Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb F I'm here and I know You will fill me F Come down F/A Bb Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound C Dm When You fill the room F You're here and I know You are moving Bb F I'm here and I know You will fill me
Bridge: F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want F/C Gm7 Holy Spirit, come rest on us Dm You're all we want Bb You're all we want
Ending: F/C Come Gm7 Just like in the upper room Dm Just like in the upper room F/C You said You would do it Gm7 You said You would pour out Your Spirit Dm Just like in the upper room Bb Just like in the upper room F/C Just like in the upper room Gm7 Just like in the upper room ..

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Перевод песни

Английский Rest on Us
Русский Так сильно ожидаем
Анна Шидловская UPPERROOM
Русский Жаждем Больше Твоей Славы
Мозжерин Илья UPPERROOM
Русский О, наполни!
Андрій Ніколайчик Maverick City Music
Русский Прибудь на нас
Menorah Worship UPPERROOM
Английский Rest on Us
Maverick City Music
Английский Rest On Us (Live)
Kim Walker-Smith
Русский Огонь пятидесятницы
Джеймс Метелак Family Worship
Украинский Зійди на нас
Наталія Мясникова Maverick City Music
Украинский Дух Святий
Anastasia Smith Anastasia Smith
Русский Пребывай в Нас
Украинский Дух Святий
Русский Тебя мы ожидаем
Церковь Вефиль Денвер
Украинский Спочинь на нас
Smotrych Worship Smotrych Worship

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