Обзор Презентация
The Mighty Chorus
Church of Christ the Savior
The Mighty Chorus Church of Christ the Savior

Intro: | Bbm // Ab/C | Db /// | Ooo | Ab // Ab/F | Bbm // | Ooo
1 Verse: Bbm When the trumpet sounds Db Our work here is finished Ab Bbm We'll be caught up in the clouds Bbm7 There'll be no more sickness Ab/C Db No more sorrow Ab No more death Bbm No more pain Bbm7 There'll be no more sickness Ab/C Db No more sorrow Ab No more death Bbm No more pain
Chorus: Bbm We'll be singing Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Honor to the Lamb Bbm We'll be singing Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Honor to the Lamb
2 Verse: Bbm All of heaven unite Db With one voice Ab Bbm Casting crowns, lifting hands Bbm7 The hour is near Ab/C Db Set your house in order Ab He's coming back Bbm To take us home Bbm7 The hour is near Ab/C Db Set your house in order Ab He's coming back Bbm To take us home
Chorus: Bbm We'll be singing Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Honor to the Lamb Bbm We'll be singing Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Absus4 Honor to the Lamb Bridge x3 Db Ab Ebm7 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Bbm7 Ab To the Lamb Db/F Gb Absus4 Ab Ebm7 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Bbm7 Ab (Bbm7) Honor to the Lamb
Chorus: Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Honor to the Lamb Bbm Ab Db Glory, wisdom power, Ab Blessings, dominion Bbm Honor to the Lamb

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Перевод песни

Украинский Могутній хор
Лариса Пашко Seattle Sulamita Church
Английский The Mighty Chorus
Purist Ogboi
Болгарский Мощен хор
Искра Колева Church of Christ the Savior


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