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Adore Him
The Praise Project
Adore Him - The Praise Project

1 Verse:
Come see the King high and holy
He who dwells in pure and blinding light
Seated enthroned the earth His footstool
Galaxies like sand between His hands

2 Verse:
Come to the Friend meek and lowly
He who came for the least and worst of us
Here in our midst the treasure of heaven
Behold the King His hands washing feet

Pre Chorus:
Oh the wonder of Jesus
Oh the glory due His name

Adore Him adore Him
The God of endless might made you His delight
Adore Him adore Him
Glory from on high right before our eyes
Adore Him

3 Verse:
Come full of awe you child of glory
For He has left a bare and empty grave
The curtain is torn no veil remains
Nail pierced hands have opened heaven's gates

Pre Chorus:
Oh the wonder of Jesus
Oh the glory due His name

Adore Him adore Him
The God of endless might made you His delight
Adore Him adore Him
Glory from on high right before our eyes
Adore Him

Lift up your voice sing with all your heart
Lift up a shout of praise
This is the King who reigns on high
The King who knows your name

Lift up your voice sing with all your heart
Lift up a shout of praise
This is the King who reigns on high
The King who knows your name

Lift up your voice sing with all your heart
Lift up a shout of praise
This is the King who reigns on high
The King who knows your name
The King who knows your name

Adore Him adore him
The God of endless might made you His delight
Adore Him adore him
Glory from on high right before our eyes
Adore Him


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Adore Him
The Praise Project


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Adore Him
The Praise Project
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