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Glorious Savior
Glorious Savior Неизвестен

1 Verse: You came from heaven’s throne salvation to be stow Lord Jesus, You suffered death for me! Who am I that You should die, on the cross be crucified? Hallelujah! Forever I will sing!
Chorus: x2 Glorious Savior, Mighty One Great Redeemer, God’s only Son You are the resurrected Lord King for all eternity Glorious Savior, Mighty One!
2 Verse: They crucified You, Lord, on the cross at Calvary You suffered in agony and shame But You broke the chains of death, and You rose to live again Hallelujah! My Jesus lives and reigns! Jesus lives and reigns!
Chorus: Glorious Savior Mighty One Great Redeemer, God’s only Son You are the resurrected Lord King for all eternity Glorious Savior, Mighty One! Mighty One!
Tag: Glorious Savior, Mighty One! Glorious Savior, Mighty One!

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Ірина Матвійчук Ukrainian Pentecostal Church Lexington, Kentucky
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Искра Колева Slavic Trinity Church


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