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Jesus on a cruise
Benjamin William Hastings
Jesus on a cruise - Benjamin William Hastings

You know I'm probably doing better than the last time that we talked
Wrote a bunch of songs for this and then I rubbed them off the board
Maybe one day I'll release them on some alias of sorts
Then again you'd probably feel like there's an alien aboard
Had this bracelet as a child saying, 'What would Jesus do?'
And the truth is half the time I don't have the faintest clue
'Cause if praying on a corner is a prideful thing to do
Ain't it sweet how far we've come we're selling tickets to it too

And it's manna to the hungry
It's popcorn to the pews
A lifeboat to the lost
And it's Jesus on a cruise
One day I'll maybe walk the waters in between
But this one's for the Captain, all who roam the sea, and me


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