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Just Jesus (Live)
Metro Life Worship
Just Jesus (Live) Metro Life Worship

Are you tired and burned out on religion?
Are you desperate for a love that’s real?
Is your heart still longing for the answer?
Are you going through the motions with a faith that you can’t feel?

Let me introduce you to Jesus
He is all you’ll ever need 
Bring him all your cares and your burdens
Let him heal the broken things
He is all you’ll ever need 
Just Jesus

Are there dreams that you’ve left on the altar? 
Desires that you’ve sacrificed? 
Are you finally ready for surrender?
Do you want to walk in freedom leaving wasted years behind? 

Doesn’t matter where you’ve been
He’s your start and he’s your end
He’s your savior and your friend 
Just Jesus
He’s the well that won’t run dry
He can reignite your fire 
He’s the way, the truth, the life
Just Jesus

This is the first day of your new forever 
This is loyal love that never leaves
This is  here on earth as it is in heaven 
Just Jesus for eternity

53 просмотра 14 прослушиваний 1 скачиваний

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