Обзор Презентация
Out of Darkness
Isaac Immanuel
Out of Darkness Isaac Immanuel


1 verse:
You know my story beginning to end
And I know You are my Lord and my friend
             Eb                                       Bb
Out of darkness, You rescued me
You say I have no spirit of fear
For You are faithful and year after year
             Eb                                       Bb
Out of darkness, You rescued me

Pre Chorus:
       F                  Gm7
We call on Adonai
     Eb                       Bb
Jehovah Rapha, El Shaddai
              F                        Gm7
Oh, we call on Jesus Christ
Emmanuel who gave His life

      Gm7           F/A   Bb
Oh, praise His holy name
                         Eb                                         Bb
The one who heals the blind, sick, and lame
              F                Eb           Bb
Out of darkness we were saved

2 verse:
The darkness tried to unravel His plan
But my life was in the palm of His hand
             Eb                                       Bb
Out of darkness, He rescued me
Within His love, I will always rejoice
And what He's done makes me wanna raise my voice
             Eb                                       Bb
Out of darkness, He rescued me

Pre Chorus:
       F                  Gm7
We call on Adonai
     Eb                       Bb
Jehovah Rapha, El Shaddai
              F                        Gm7
Oh, we call on Jesus Christ
Emmanuel who gave His life

      Gm7           F/A   Bb
Oh, praise His holy name
                         Eb                                         Bb
The one who heals the blind, sick, and lame
              F                Eb           Bb
Out of darkness we were saved
      Gm7     F/A       Bb
The Lord almighty reigns
                         Eb                                                 Bb
The one who parts the sea and makes a way
              F                Eb      Bb
Out of darkness, Jesus saves

  Bb                               Eb
I once was lost, but now I'm found
  Bb                       Eb
Forever free, You brought me out
  Bb                                Eb
I once was blind, but now I see
        Bb                        Eb
Your love for me will never leave
          Bb                                       Cm7
What broke me down won't keep me down
       Bb                    Eb
You lift me up, I'm stronger now
  F                               Cm7
Exalt the Lord, the King of kings
       Bb                 Eb
Let all of His creation sing

Chorus: x2
      Gm7           F/A   Bb
Oh, praise His holy name
                         Eb                                         Bb
The one who heals the blind, sick, and lame
              F                Eb           Bb
Out of darkness we were saved
      Gm7     F/A       Bb
The Lord almighty reigns
                         Eb                                                 Bb
The one who parts the sea and makes a way
              F                Eb      Gm7
Out of darkness, Jesus saves

              F                Eb      Bb
Out of darkness, Jesus saves


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Out of Darkness
Isaac Immanuel
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