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O My Soul, March On
Travis Cottrell
O My Soul, March On Travis Cottrell

Chorus: O my soul march on in victory O rejoice for I have been set free No turning back no turning back I have been redeemed O my soul my soul march on in strength
1 verse: My God has crushed the enemy Swept him into the raging seas My foe has been has been defeated And his power went straight away Rise up and say rise up and say
Chorus: O my soul march on in victory O rejoice for I have been set free No turning back no turning back I have been redeemed O my soul my soul march on in strength My soul my soul ooo
2 verse: All things possible with God (Nothing is greater) Nothing is greater than His love (Noooo) The curse of sin is broken Fear is washed away Rise up and say rise and say
Chorus: O my soul march on in victory O rejoice for I have been set free No turning back no turning back I have been redeemed O my soul my soul march on in strength
Bridge: (Battle belongs to the Lord) battle belongs to the Lord And I would not have fear Be strong be strong battle belongs to the Lord And I would not have fear March on march on battle belongs to the Lord And I would not have fear Be strong be strong battle belongs to the Lord And I would not have fear March on march on
Refrain: O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on march on
Chorus: O my soul My soul (march on) In victory O rejoice I have been set free No turning back no turning back I have been redeemed
Chorus: Oh my soul My soul march on in strength My soul (march on) In victory My soul rejoice I have been set free
Refrain: O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on in strength O My soul march on march on march on
Tag: March on March on March on

48 просмотров 42 прослушивания 0 скачиваний

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