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One Mediator (Jesus the Only Way) Cameron Keith

1 Verse: There is a Truth, a Blessed News, It is the power of God to save For every man, from every sin, It conquers Hell and defeats the grave
2 Verse: And unashamed we will proclaim All that is written within Your word For You have said that You will bless, The proclamation of Christ the Lord
Chorus: There is one God and one Mediator Between God and man There is one cross, one Ransom and Savior There is no other name but Jesus, the only way
3 Verse: We take the cross unto the lost, For we were hopeless as they are now Dead in our sin but it was then, The Son of God from his throne came down
4 Verse: For Your return we watch and yearn To see Your majesty face to face From every tribe Your chosen bride Will sing the wonder of saving grace

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