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The Lord Our God (Live)
Eagle Brook Music
The Lord Our God (Live) Eagle Brook Music

1 Verse: If we tried to understand If we rushed, we'd hurry past Our feeble minds can't comprehend The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
2 Verse: If we tried our very best To paint with words that all make sense It would fall short compared to this The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
Chorus: The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
3 Verse: Who walked among our brokenness And bore the weight of sin and death The One who took on human flesh
4 Verse: Who was before the world began Who is and will be till the end The God that no one can contend The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
Chorus: x2 The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
Bridge: Now behold the great I am Bow before the Lord, our God Now behold the great I am Bow before the Lord, our God
Chorus: x3 The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God The Lord, our God
Outro: Now behold the great I am Bow before the Lord, our God

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