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Can't Hold Back
Influence Music
Can't Hold Back Influence Music

1 Verse: I know You’re everywhere I know You’re here I can’t hold back I see the things You’ve done I’m overcome I can’t hold back In every circumstance My soul will dance I can’t hold back How could I keep still When I’m Spirit filled I can’t hold back
Chorus: Let the saints all sing We can’t hold back To the Risen King We can’t hold back Dancing in the streets 'Cause we’ve been forgiven and redeemed We can’t hold back
2 Verse: I know You’re everywhere I know You’re here I can’t hold back I see the things You’ve done I’m overcome I can’t hold back In every circumstance My soul will dance I can’t hold back How could I keep still When I’m Spirit filled I can’t hold back
Chorus: Let the saints all sing We can’t hold back To the Risen King We can’t hold back Dancing in the streets 'Cause we’ve been forgiven and redeemed We can’t hold back
Refrain: We can’t hold back We can’t hold back We can’t hold back
Chorus: Let the saints all sing We can’t hold back To the Risen King We can’t hold back Dancing in the streets 'Cause we’ve been forgiven and redeemed Let the saints all sing We can’t hold back
Outro: We can’t hold back We can’t hold back

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