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Beloved (When I Survey)
Darlene Zschech
Beloved (When I Survey) Darlene Zschech

1 verse: G C2 G C2 Dadd4 I see You kneeling in the garden, tears of love pour down G C2 G C2 G I hear You calling on the Father, 'Not my will but Yours be done'
2 verse: G C2 G C2 Dadd4 I see You lifting up the broken, I see Your life poured out G C2 G C2 G I hear You praying on the mountain, Father, I will follow You C2 G Jesus, I will follow You
Chorus: D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 G I will wait, for my trust is in the Lord; I will wait Jesus You are my reward D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 As I wait, You reveal Your majesty. In the silence, You are singing over me G D C2 G D C2 'You are my beloved'
Verse 3: G C2 G C2 Dadd4 I will kneel before You Jesus, as my heart pours out Em C G/H D Em C G/H D I am calling on You Father, not my will but Yours be done Em C G Not my will but Yours be done
Chorus: D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 G I will wait, for my trust is in the Lord; I will wait Jesus You are my reward D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 As I wait, You reveal Your majesty. In the silence, You are singing over me Am G/H C2 G D C 'You are my beloved' 'You are my beloved'
Bridge: Am Em D Am Em D I will take up my cross, as I follow You, Lord Am Em D Am Em D I will count all as loss, as I wait on You, Lord
Chorus: D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 G I will wait, for my trust is in the Lord; I will wait Jesus You are my reward D Em7 C2 G D Em7 C2 As I wait, You reveal Your majesty. In the silence, You are singing over me Am G/H C2 G 3. 'You are my beloved' 'You are my beloved'
1 verse: G G/H C G/H Em D C G/H Am G D When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died G/H C G Am G/H C G/D D G My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride
2 verse: G G/H C G/H Em D C G/H Am G D See from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow min - gled down G/H C G Am G/H C G/D D G Did e'er such love and sor - row meet or thorns compose so rich a crown
3 verse: G G/H C G/H Em D C G/H Am G D Were the whole realm of na - ture mine that were an off'ring far too small G/H C G Am G/H C G/D D G Love so amazing so divine demands my soul, my life, my all
Tag: G I see Your people in a room I hear a rushing sound Ev'ry heart is drawn to Jesus as Your Spirit pours out

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Мария Жук Darlene Zschech

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