Обзор Презентация
Darlene Zschech
Go Darlene Zschech

| F#m | A/C# | D |

1 verse: F#m A/C# D Now we pray, all glory be to God F#m A/C# D In Your Name, Your power at work in us Hm A F#m D Feel the hea - vens sha - king Hm A F#m E Every chain is brea - king
2 verse: F#m A/C# D Now we pray, let darkness flood with light F#m A/C# D In Your Name, Your resurrection life Hm A F#m D We display Your glo - ry Hm A F#m E Miracles and mer - cy
Chorus: D E We will go Into all the world we go A Asus A Into all the world we go Into all the world we go D E With Your love Into every life, Your love A Asus A So glorious, Your love Into all the world we go
3 verse: F#m A/C# D Now we pray and shout, Your love is here F#m A/C# D In Your Name, we throw down every fear Hm A F#m D Always in Your pre - sence Hm A F#m E Here on earth as hea - ven
Instrumental: | D | Hm | F#m | E | | D | Hm | A | E |
Bridge: D Hm Here we come, now Your church we will go to all the world F#m E Every tribe, every land as Your feet and loving hands D Hm To the rich, to the poor Grace is flowing for us all A E Nothing missing, nothing broken he makes all things new D Hm From the ash, from the fire there is hope there is new life F#m E Tell the world, lift Him high nothing else will satisfy D Hm All the joy, all the peace He has set us free indeed A E Nothing missing, nothing broken He makes all things new

1420 просмотров 1136 прослушиваний 89 скачиваний BPM: 84

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Мария Жук Darlene Zschech

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