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How All-Inclusive, Lord, Thou Art
Living Stream Ministry
How All-Inclusive, Lord, Thou Art - Living Stream Ministry

1 verse:
How all-inclusive, Lord, Thou art;
Of God we are in Thee-
The portion God prepared for us,
Our all in all to be.

2 verse:
Thou art to us God’s wisdom true,
We all are saved through Thee;
Thou art God’s only way to save,
Thou art our only plea.

3 verse:
Thou art to us our righteousness,
All God requires to meet;
In Thee we all are justified,
In Thee we are complete.

4 verse:
Thou art to us our holiness
That we may be transformed;
In Thee we all are sanctified,
To Thee we’ll be conformed.

5 verse:
Thou art to us redemption too,
That we Thy likeness bear;
Transfigured will our bodies be
Thy liberty to share.

6 verse:
Dear Lord, while we remember Thee,
Enjoying all Thou art,
We thus would hasten Thy return
And ne’er from Thee depart.

7 verse:
How sweet to have this foretaste here,
A taste so wonderful,
Yet still we fain would be with Thee,
And share Thyself in full.


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