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We come, O Christ, to Thee
We come, O Christ, to Thee - Неизвестен

1 verse:
     C                                  Am
We come, O Christ, to Thee,
       F            Dm             G
True Son of God and man,
    C               Am                D
By whom all things consist,
   G             G/D D7 G
In whom all life began:
   F        G   Am      Dm
In Thee alone we live and move
      F                Dm     C/G G7 C
And have our being in Thy love.

2 verse:
Thou art the Way to God,
Thy blood our ransom paid;
In Thee we face our Judge
And Maker unafraid.
Before the Throne absolved we stand:
Thy love has met Thy law’s demand.

3 verse:
Thou art the living Truth!
All wisdom dwells in Thee,
Thou Source of every skill,
Eternal Verity!
Thou great I Am! In Thee we rest,
True answer to our every quest.

4 verse:
Thou only art true Life,
To know Thee is to live
The more abundant life
That earth can never give:
O Risen Lord! We live in Thee
And Thou in us eternally!

5 verse:
We worship Thee Lord Christ,
Our Savior and our King,
To Thee our youth and strength
Adoringly we bring:
So fill our hearts that men may see
Thy life in us and turn to Thee!


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Болгарский Ний идваме при Теб
Искра Колева Неизвестен

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