Обзор Презентация
Light Of The World
Michael Card
Light Of The World - Michael Card

1 verse:

G                     C               D             G
You are the Light of the world, O Lord,
C                   D                   G
You make Your servant shine.
C                              D           H7              Em
So how could there be any darkness in me,
    C                  D                 H7 Em
If You are the Light of the world,
     C                  D                 G
If You are the Light of the world

2 verse:
You are the Bread of life, O Lord, broken to set us free
So how could there be any Hunger in me,
If You are the Bread of life, You are the Bread of life.

3 verse:
You’ve overcome the world, O Lord, and given us victory
So how could I fear when trouble is near,
If You’ve overcome the world, You’ve overcome the world.

4 verse:
Wipe every tear away, O Lord, and teach us the song of the Lamb 
Your promise is true, but it’s still up to You
To wipe every tear away, wipe every tear away


31 просмотр 27 прослушиваний 1 скачиваний

Перевод песни

Русский Ты миру свет
Лена Ким Michael Card
Болгарский Ти за света, Боже, Си Светлина
Искра Колева Michael Card

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