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On Thee my heart is resting
On Thee my heart is resting - Неизвестен

1 Verse:
    F                  C          Dm
On Thee my heart is resting,
   Bb       C           F
Ah, this is rest indeed:
Bb    F           C           Dm F
What else, Almighty Savior,
       C           G7         C
Can a poor sinner need?

     Bb        C         F
Thy light is all my wisdom 
     C         G7        C
Thy love is all my stay;
F   Bb           F             Gm F
Thy coming back in glory,
          Bb         C7        F
Draws nearer every day.

                       C             Dm F
On Thee my heart is resting,
      Bb    C           F
Ah, this is rest indeed:
Bb    F             C          Dm F
What else, Almighty Savior,
      C             G7       C
Can a poor sinner need?
                     C7         F
Can a poor sinner need?

2 Verse:
My guilt is great, but greater
The mercy Thou dost give;
Thyself, a spotless Off’ring,
Hast died that I should live.

With Thee, my soul unfettered
Has risen from the dust;
Thy blood is all my treasure,
Thy word is all my trust.
3 Verse:
Through me, Thou gentle Master,
Thy purposes fulfil;
I yield myself forever
To Thy most holy will.

What though I be but weakness?
My strength is not in me;
The poorest of Thy people
Has all things, having Thee.
4 Verse:
When clouds are darkest round me,
Thou, Lord, art then most near,
My drooping faith to quicken,
My weary soul to cheer.

Safe nestling in Thy bosom 
I gaze upon Thy face;
In vain my foes would drive me
From Thee, my hiding-place.
5 Verse:
’Tis Thou hast made me happy,
’Tis Thou hast set me free;
To whom shall I give glory
Forever, but to Thee?

Of earthly love and blessing
Should every stream run dry,
Thy grace shall still be with me,
Thy grace, to live and die.


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Перевод песни

Болгарский Сърцето ми намира във Бога мир, покой
Искра Колева Неизвестен

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